Trailer Training
Bespoke, accredited R3 course for working drivers who tow a trailer.
Delivered in-depot anywhere in the UK. Resulting in Low/Medium/High risk Driver Profile report.
Pre & post training test.
Spatial awareness and manoeuvring exercises. Assessed road-drive including defensive driving skills.
Venue: Client depot or facility.
Vehicle: Suitable and relevant towing combination/s supplied by client.
Duration: 1 day. 6 drivers per day (options available).
Qualification: Certificate of competence, personal assessment sheet with Low/Medium/High risk score, pre and post course knowledge test result.
The course builds on the core content of the outgoing DVSA criteria with real-world hands-on methods and measurement established and tested by R³.
Although the law on who can tow a trailer has changed, the responsibility of the driver has not.
For employers, the law obliges them to consider the health and safety capabilities of employees, ensuring they are properly trained before being exposed to risks in the workplace. This includes driving for work purposes.

Drivers should be capable of operating the vehicle and related equipment safely, receiving instruction and training as appropriate.
Some key points include:
- Laws about towing for work purposes
- Legal towing weights and combination checks
- Trailer safety checks and best-practice processes
- Hitch/un-hitch/loading procedures
- Slow speed ‘real-world’ manoeuvring forward and reverse
- Stability on-road
- On-road assessment
Any driver employed to tow for work purposes who has not received, recorded trailer/towing training.
This mainly hands-on course is a practical, effective and recognised training and assessment route to improve safety standards for drivers wishing to tow safely and legally. The result will provide employers with suitable provenance of training compliance with the added benefit of driver assessment for HR purposes.